Traveling? Need to apply for an International Driving License (IDL)? If so, you’ve come to the right place. As Swedish motoring enthusiasts since 1903, we’re always happy to assist fellow drivers and club members. But before applying or contacting us, please review the points below to see what type of license you require and get a clear picture of our services.
Apply Postal/ E-mail
To apply for an International Driving License, you must have a valid Swedish driving license. Your payment must also be made before we can process your application. When applying, you must include a certified photocopy of your Swedish driving license – signed and dated with two attesting witnesses – along with a recent colour photograph.
How long does it take?
Following receipt and payment of your application, the processing time is approximately five working days. Unless otherwise requested, we will send your license via PostNord by standard mail and parcel post (“A-post”), meaning it will be delivered directly to your postal address. Shipping time should be added to our own processing time and may be affected by holidays. If you are applying far in advance of your departure date and, depending on our workloads, we may prioritize more urgent applications.
How do I apply? By post or email?
Postal applications:
1. Download and print your application form by clicking here: Aplication(pdf). (Swedish only now, English version in the works). Fill out the form according to the instructions. Do not forget to sign the application before sending to us.
2. Make a colour photocopy of your driving license (front and back) and have the copy witnessed by two people.
3. Send a high-quality colour photo of yourself (3.5 x 4.5 cm on photocopying paper). Write your name on the back of the photo.
4. Send the application, witnessed copy of your driving license and a photo in an envelope to The Swedish Royal Automobile Club (KAK) in Stockholm at the address below:
KAK, Royal Automobile Club
Box 56038
102 17 Stockholm
Email applications:
1. Scan the completed application form, a witnessed copy of your Swedish driving license and attach a high-quality colour photo so we can print it on copying paper.
2. Email your application to ikk@kak.se

What does it cost?
Postal applications: SEK 350
Email applications: SEK 400
Applications are free for members of Kungliga Automobil Klubben (KAK) who have paid their dues for at least one year.
Fees cover standard postage (also international).
For recommended mail or trackable shipments, add SEK 150.
Additional service fees
Express Postal Delivery: +SEK 300
If you want faster service than five working days (also applies to members).
Express Office Service: +SEK 500
Personal visit to the office of The Royal Swedish Automobile Club (KAK) and we issue the IDL while you wait.
(NOTE: During the corona pandemic, we have restrictions, so please give us a call before visiting).
Pay your international driving license via Swish to nr: 123 631 4058, (message IDL), or to our Bankgiro account: BG 651-8393.
We await your payment before delivery.
Need a 1-year or 3-year license?
There are two different types of International Driving Licenses (IDLs): a 1-year license and 3-year one. The first is issued in accordance with the 1949 Geneva Convention on Road Traffic and is valid for one year. The second, which is based on the 1968 Geneva Convention on Road Traffic Convention, is valid for three years, but no longer than your Swedish driving license.
Please note that rules vary on which countries will accept a Swedish driving license (max 90 days) and what types of IDLs are required and accepted (sometimes with additional rules). To help you navigate and find the right one, click into the table at the bottom av the page.
As shown in the table, many countries accept both types of IDLs. However, the United State and Japan are examples of countries that only accept the 1-year license.

Key to symbols IKK International driver licens
TREÅRIGT according to the 1968 Convention (3-year)
ETTÅRIGT according to the 1949 Convention (1-year)
XX IKK according to this convention mandatory or highly recommended
X IKK according to this convention is recommended
– IKK under this convention is not accepted
If both columns are X-marked, you can use either one- or three-year IKK.
0 Swedish driving license / driving license of EU model (with photo) accepted.
1 Before you can drive, your Swedish driving license or IKK must be approved by the country’s police or other authority. Sometimes arranged by local car rental companies.
2 Neither Swedish nor IKK is accepted. Sometimes it is easier to get a permit with an IKK.
3 Applies only to vehicles registered abroad and to Jordanian rental cars